Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My name is Bruce Solberg - and I am a recovering job seeker: Review of Brian Massey's book - The Market for Me

The message Brian offers in his book "The Market for Me - Surviving Job Loss and Building a Lifetime Career Network is empowering and very action oriented!


Right now in my current job search - I am where Brian was in prior job searches - trying to find the next corporate job. Allowing the corporations to define the job market for me, instead of me defining not only the market for my next job, but also building the future success in my career.

A key paradigm shift takeaway for me and any job seeker - Brian notes - "You are no longer a job seeker, you are a skills holder". He elaborates that as skills holder you are investing in your career by building marketable skills, and working for employers provides the opportunity to increase your value and skills in the marketplace.

Yes, I am a recovering job seeker, and thanks to Brian's powerful message in his book, I now have the career management tools and mental shift in my approach to career management to continue to grow and succeed in the job marketplace!

Thanks Brian!
-Bruce Solberg

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