Sunday, October 16, 2011

Keep it Simple! - KISS principle

For most of the past year, I thought that I needed to change my blogging platform. And with that change, somehow, I managed to stop blogging due to the excuse that it will take time to setup a new blog. Well, during that time, Google improved their blogging platform, and I realized that Keeping It Simple is better than using an excuse to not blog at all.

I find it interesting how we can quickly rationalize why something takes too much time, or why we think we don't have enough time. Recently, I have encountered many others that use an "excuse" for why that can't take that extra step that is needed in either their business or professional career. For instance, I attended a Ripple event in Austin and I met a lady that is struggling to keep repeat customers for a sewing business. I asked her if she has started blogging or using on-line video that would help continue building relationships with existing customers. She told me that she was too busy with her new orders, that maintaining a blog or on-line videos on sewing would be overwhelming - well how about - Keep it Simple principle! just start something and Keep It Simple.

That is why I am back to sharing on Blogger and I will keep it simple!


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